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ALPN.ru / Публикации / «Kyoto Vision. Proposals from the world», Vol. 1, каталог, Киото, Япония, 1999 г. Поиск по сайту      Карта сайта      In English


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«Kyoto Vision. Proposals from the world», Vol. 1, каталог, Киото, Япония, 1999 г.


In the place of contemporary Kyoto, there are formed two side city areas named us as "Northern and Southern Kyoto". All other districts of the city are grouped around them. Northern Kyoto is coverd by the regular network of pedestrian and automobile roads. This is a mechanistic system very close to modem microprocessor in it image. Southern Kyoto is covered by curviliner roads crossing natural rivers, ancient canals. This is organic system close to biological examples in the image. Between Northern Kyoto and Southern Kyoto there is projected a 600m wide zone into which the infrastructure of the railways and railway ststions is transformed from Northern Kyoto. It is supposed to be hidden under the earth.

Northcn Kyoto

Northen Kyoto is located on the territory of ancient Kyoto. Its center is the royal palace. The main axis north to south oriented from along the ancient street leading to the town gated Rashomon which are propose to reconstruct. Taking into account one of the ancient tradition of townplanning in Japan, The teritory of Northen Kyoto is encompassed by the earthen walls (rampart) changing its size and structure in relation to the characteristics of the territory it takes. Northern Kyoto is formed as the town of pedestrians and greenry. For this purpose all the highways are hidden below the earth and above them are created boulevards. The same zone is with storehouses and parking lots. The highways are complemented by transport streets along which the vehicles come to the blocks flats. Nevertheless the most extensively used should be pedestrian streets with restricted access of the vehicles. Northern Kyoto traditionally had two-storeyed residential development with gardens. To continue this tradition new stage residential systems internally blocked are created, they will substitut shabby development and increase the density of inhabetancy High-rise buildings are proposed be built only along the highways and speedsways. A special townplanning significance in Northern Kyoto we ascribe to the earthen rampart, the rampart represents a complex structure incliding residential cells, offices, storehouses, industrial premises and also parking lots for automobiles. Here are located high-speedways pedestrianing the city traffic. These structure are covered by the earthen ramparts, on top of which the earthen of parks is created.

Southern Kyoto

Southern Kyoto is located in the part of in the flow of the rivers and The center of Kyoto is a gigantic lake created in the place of the part that excisted in the past on the lake is created the center of the whole aglometion of Kyoto is created together with the system of multi¬functional buildings and the rest state square. From Northern Kyoto these square can be reached by the central road going through the Rajyoumong gates. In the lake along the axis of this road these stands a gigantic hill which is supposed to be burial place for deceased in¬habitant of Kyoto. Southern Kyoto is the town of rivers, canals and lakes. As for the size Southern Kyoto is equal to Nouthern Kyoto like the rampart sorrounding Nouthern Kyoto, Southern Kyoto issorrounded by the wide canal which unites togerther a great many smaller canals being designed in this area. The territory of Southern Kyoto is interested by numberous speedways. These speedways are complicated by a netw¬ork of transport streets and pedestrean ways going with along canals, rivers and lake. Southern Kyoto is a town of multistoreved residential buildings consisting of two-level cells with small gardens. The existing development is dartally preserved. There appear new districts with traditional two-storeged buildings. Southern Kyoto is divided into neighbourhoods each of which comprises high-rise complexes in the form of artificcal mountains. These mountains incorporate residential, cells, offices, storehouses and industrial premises and also parking lots. Similar mountains arc directly connected which transport streets and speedways.

The system of Northern and Southern Kyoto is a symbol of furture reconstraction. This idea is the reflection of a new townplanning thinking in the philosophical and symbols than on durely pragramatical and functionsal considerations the rampart of Northern Kyoto and the mountains of Southern Kyoto symbolize two approaches to the city envirment. The rampart and the mountain symbolize complexcity of relations between a human being and nature in comtemporary approch.

Southern Kyoto is built as the town of water continvering traditions the of lakes situated in these place since ancient times up to the 40`s of our century.

The appearance of Southern Kyoto continues the traditions of ancient capitals in this region of Japan.

The appearance of a lake sorrounded the new center of Kyoto continues in tradition of the approch of the ancient graves that existed in the territory of Kansai The center that is located on the lake of the Southern area, becomes the center of Kyoto on the whole and even of all Kansai. It consists the center with the public building and the square including also the historical of the Toba palace and the Jonangu palace. Beside along the axis in the water there stands a gigantic mountain which comprses in the town cemetery. The whole complex taken togerther is interested in "The city of the dead". The place of death and rebirth. This symbol is called on to unite the ancient history and the futuer.

The division into Northern and Southern Kyoto symbolizes each eternal norms.Life and Death, Past and Futuer, Dream and Reality. Civilization and Natuer.

The opposition of the rampart to the mountain is a new cosmology of Kyoto. At this the rampart symbolizes the constructing space of town life and the mountain symboliz its continual expansion.

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