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polina nozdracheva







The project is converting the premises and reconstructive work on the device input



Sothern Administrative District, Moscow, Generala Belova St., 27-1




"Architectural Laboratory of Polina Nozdracheva" ltd. "Ekoprof" ltd.


Head specialist, Zhdanova M.V.

The room is located in the № II 1-story, non-residential, frame building, built in 1980 and the arrangement of the address: Str. Generala Belova, 27, p.1., SAD. The project was implemented on the basis of BTI plans, technical advice SUE "PROMZHILPROEKT."

Alterations in note № II. 

1. The project provides:

 - in note "5" initiation of the opening. The device of door and window openings in the self-supporting brick wall thicknesses. 400mm. Strengthening of the opening see page KR-1. Installation of plastic doors and stained glass. 

 - in note "9a" opening the device into a brick wall and a new partition of the blocks. 

- in room. "10" device is a new partition with a door to organize assistant. «10a».

2. Interior decoration is designed in accordance with the requirements of fire safety and hygiene of premises and increased aesthetic demands.

Reconstruction work on the device entry in the pom. № II.

 3. The project provides input device to the input area. Entrance, the architectural design, is repeated as the main entrance to the note№ II. Entrance floor - reinforced w / w on a sandy base, the small burial. 

 4. Alterations and reconstructive work on the device entry to the room № II does not violate the durability, and the spatial rigidity of the building, keeping the project in addressing structural engineering, which corresponds to the norms SNiP, fire and sanitation requirements. 

Conversion project and reconstructive work on the device entry is designed in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations and in accordance with the requirements of the State Supervision, Fire Service and "Rospotrebnadzor", including the explosion - fire safety.

Directions to the production of works

While working on the construction of walls should focus on measures for the protection and safety:

1. Before starting work, you must disable the network of water, heat and electricity supply facilities and to take action against their damage.

2. Storage of materials and equipment shall be in accordance with the requirements of SNIP, specifications for materials and equipment, with no floor load must exceed 150-200 kg/m2.

3. In carrying out welding work guided: SNIP 3.03.01-87 "Supporting and protecting of the setup"; instruction CH 393-78 Sections 2-4 and Appendix 1, GOST 10922-75, "Reinforcement and embedded parts welded to reinforced concrete structures."

5. All work carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of SNiP 111-4-80 "Safety in Construction"

Fire prevention in the production of construction

To prevent fire, combustibles (toxic) building materials, components and structures during the period of construction works for the conversion of non-residential premises MUST:

1. Assign responsibility for fire safety in the area under repair.

2. For construction workers take a special place for smoking with the installation of bins for cigarette butts with water.

3. On the evacuation routes to install two fire extinguisher and a box of sand and a shovel.

4. Temporary storage of building materials, products, equipment and furniture are categorically prohibited from posting on the escape routes.

5. The maximum excluded electrical gas welding work, replacing them with a threaded fasteners, ball-max, dowels, twist, etc.

6. Welding, which can not be excluded on the production technology of construction work performed on non-combustible floors with noncombustible screens, with open doors and windows.

7. Welding shall be carried out only certified professionals.

Architectural laboratory offers the full range of services: from the initial permits, the development of all project stages to approval of projects and supervision.

107031, Moscow, Petrovka str., 27, tel: (495) 694-61-25, fax: (495) 694-67-80,mail: info@alpn.ru


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