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ALPN.ru / Portfolio / Industrial complex / Project proposal to place a car wash in the filling station Search      Sait map      Страница на русском


polina nozdracheva







Project proposal to place a car wash in the filling station



Confidential information


Moscow Region, Mytishchinsky district




E.A. Grigorian M.V. Zhdanova


"Ekoprof" ltd.

Architecture and planning solution.

1. Master plan

Land - the land of settlements to accommodate the gas station, the total area of 3000 sq.m. . inventory № 50:12:08:02441, located in the Moscow region., Mytishchinsky district. Structure located on the territory of the petrol station. Entrance and exit from the Dmitrovsky highway, 38 km. The project envisages to place on the designated section of the filling station, car wash complex. Landscaping is proposed along the boundary of the device lawn area, the installation box. Access roads, turning areas, parking lots are provided with a hard waterproof coating that will prevent soil pollution by harmful substances.

Main indicators of the general plan.

2. Space-planning decisions.

car wash This package provides a modular building of container.

1. TM is made of the following materials:

· timber 100 * 150 100 * 100

· 14 channel bars, angle 75U.

· metal siding

· insulation" Ursa »

· sheet boards 38 * 135

· PVC panels

2. The frame consists of sending PM Brusov 100 * 150 100 * 100 racks, crates 100 * 150, channel 14, corner of 75U. Roof sloped welded. The outer coating - gray walls, basement and Gates dark-gray color; parapet dark blue .. The inner lining - PVC panels, steel sheet - painted White (wash box); linoleum floor-M125; window - PVC OR 1100 * 3500, double glazing; garage doors 2800 * 3000; insulation - urs 10 P-50; waterproofing - IZOSPAN B-12, according to the wiring SNP; fire class - 4 (NPB 105-03).

-container unit includes all the necessary engineering support.

Technical and economic indicators.


  • 1. The title page
  • 2. Content 3
  • 3. Certificate of registration of 4,5
  • 4. Explanatory Note 6,7
  • Sketches:
  • 5. General Plan M 1:500 8
  • 6. The prospect of № 1 September
  • 7. The prospect of number 10 February
  • 8. The prospect of № 11 March
  • 9. Prospects № № 4,5 12
  • 10. Plan 1 Floor 13
  • 11. The plan of the roof 14
  • 12. Section 1-1 15
  • 13. Elevations in the axes "a" - "2", "B" - "A" 16
  • 14. Elevations in the axes of "2" - "1", "A" - "B" 17
  • 15. License 18-22

Architectural laboratory offers the full range of services: from the initial permits, the development of all project stages to approval of projects and supervision.

107031, Moscow, Petrovka str., 27, tel: (495) 694-61-25, fax: (495) 694-67-80,mail: info@alpn.ru


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