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ALPN.ru / Portfolio / Office buildings / Architectural and Urban design project. Engineering survey of the building bearing structures Search      Sait map      Страница на русском


polina nozdracheva







Architectural and Urban design project. Engineering survey of the building bearing structures





Moscow, Eastern Administrative Region, Zhuravlev square,4, building 1




Nozdracheva P.V.

This work was carried out in November 2011. - January 2012. according to customer's specifications for the Contract number 55/11 of 23.11.2011g. Work performed in conjunction with the "Company GEOKON." The purpose of this paper is to identify the overall technical condition of the main supporting structures of the building.

People involved:

1.The head of the architectural studio - Nozdracheva P.V.

2. The head of "Company Geokon" - Garshin A. N. (Engineering survey)

The list of technical documents used in compiling this conclusion:

1. The terms of reference received from the customer.

2. Tonnage drawings bearing structures.

3. SNiP 2.01.07-85 * Loads and effects.

4. SNiP 23-02-2003 thermal protection of buildings.

5. SNiP II-22-81. And reinforced masonry structures.

6. SNiP II-25-80 Wooden structures.

7. SP 13-102-2003. Terms of survey bearing constructions of buildings and structures.

8. SNIP 2.02.01-83 *. Foundations of buildings and structures

9. GOST R 53778-2010


The production of research to establish the technical condition of the building at the address: Moscow, HLW, pl. Zhuravleva, 4, p.

1. 1. Clearance for the proposed survey: full volume.

2. In that survey is subject to external dimensions (yes, no): 31h17m

a. Foundations and soil foundation - yes

b. Walls - yes

c. Internal freestanding support - yes

d. Other structures, the (list): floor and roof

3. Temporary regulatory burden:

a) Current: - snip at kg/m2

b) the future: - the SNP kg/m2

4. The final purpose of the survey of the building:

4.1. Identify the overall technical condition of the main supporting structures of the building.


 Architectural and Urban design project is doing in present.

In accordance with that obtained from the customer's terms of reference were the following work for survey: 

№ № Name of work units. rev. Number
1. Studied the archive materials project -
2. Open pits for examination of foundations pit 11
3. Completed laboratory analysis of soil analysis 2
4. Completed survey of the foundations of the definition of the base material strength foundation 5
5. Completed mechanical study of masonry walls and piers place 5
6. Autopsy performed columns and floor elements vskr. 9
7. The research methods of nondestructive testing way construction elements. 6
8. The scientific investigation of the roof truss system, and building A
9. Measurements are made selectively supporting structures Facades photo
section 2
plan 6
way construction elements. 20
10. Performed selectively calibration static calculations supporting structures calculation 9
11. Compiled by the technical conclusions building A

Architectural laboratory offers the full range of services: from the initial permits, the development of all project stages to approval of projects and supervision.

107031, Moscow, Petrovka str., 27, tel: (495) 694-61-25, fax: (495) 694-67-80,mail: info@alpn.ru


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