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ALPN.ru / Home / Architecture / Design of an attic and superstructures Search      Sait map      Страница на русском


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Designing an attic and add

When designing the attic should consider the following points: construction scheme, the material enclosing structures and parts of the attic are determined by the unity of design and architectural forms of buildings-bases; essential for attic accommodation facilities is their relationship with the communications structure of the building - the basics.

Of particular importance are the shape and dimensions of space, the choice of translucent fence (vertical or sloping windows), their placement in the light of Interior and in conjunction with the architectural appearance.

Important role, depending on the level of visual perception of an attic floor, play the line and form determined by the geometry of the roof. The construction of the attic without relocation of tenants of the main building requires a special method of maximum production safety work, limiting the weight of structures and components, building elements of protection and security.

Fire protection requirements, especially the way the evacuation attic floor, depend on the planning structure of the building-foundation: by matching features of the building-foundation and attic floor for escape routes used by staircase-lift unit building, which adjoins attic; with mismatch functions of the building base and an attic floor to create escape routes require special communication device that may be inside or outside the building and have isolated outputs, including between the two buildings.

When designing the interior attic floor should be tailored to suit the geometric shape of the room. This is the placement of stairs, setting a bathroom and toilet, kitchen, and the placement of doors. For example, should take into account the clearance of stairs on the inclined surfaces of the roof. The difficulties do not arise when the direction parallel to the slope of the roof ladder or stairway located on the middle axis of the building.

Architectural laboratory offers the full range of services: from the initial permits, the development of all project stages to approval of projects and supervision.

107031, Moscow, Petrovka str., 27, tel: (495) 694-61-25, fax: (495) 694-67-80,mail: info@alpn.ru


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