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ALPN.ru / Home / Architecture / the project of low apartment house (to 5 floors inclusive) Search      Sait map      Страница на русском


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The project is low-rise residential buildings (up to 5 floors inclusive)

Construction of low-rise suburban complex, this is certainly the trend. And very revealing demonstrates that consumers of residential real estate slowly but surely go to the European standards in the understanding of living comfort: they are increasingly choosing housing, placing at the heart of ecological housing, not just the ability to quickly get to work and walk to drive children to school or kindergarten.

And as a change of priorities in the minds of consumers of housing, accessibility to transport, the environmental friendliness and comfort, the rate of growth in demand for apartments in low-rise suburban complex will be constantly growing.

The main advantage of this format of residence - a combination of environmental (as in force on location in Moscow, but also because of the visual ecology of low buildings) with comfort: population density, usually does not exceed 100-150 persons per hectare. This indicator is most similar to European standards of quality, comfortable and environmentally friendly living, unlike the most common high-rise buildings, where population density is often greater than 500 persons per hectare.

Operating costs in low-rise residential complexes is much smaller than for an individual housing - houses or townhouses, and comparable to the cost of conventional multi-family housing. Communication, as well as in apartment buildings - are central. Compared with cottages and townhouses, apartment can lock up and leave quietly, without worrying that someone climbs up on your site.

Low-rise residential complex - it is much more prestigious and comfortable accommodation, compared with the flat of a conventional block.

Examples of a workshop jobs in the given section:

5-storied living house in Saransk

5-storied living house in Saransk

Architectural laboratory offers the full range of services: from the initial permits, the development of all project stages to approval of projects and supervision.

107031, Moscow, Petrovka str., 27, tel: (495) 694-61-25, fax: (495) 694-67-80,mail: info@alpn.ru


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