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Эскиз застройки территории в пос. Тимоново, Солнечногоский район
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ALPN.ru / Home / Standard projects / To buy a standard project of horse-racing flanks - variant 1 Search      Sait map      Страница на русском


polina nozdracheva







Standard project round equestrian arena ("barrel") is designed for IIB climate subdistrict.
- The level of responsibility of the building - II
- The degree of fire resistance - IV
- Class of functional fire hazard - F 3.6
- Class of structural fire danger - C 2
- The estimated winter outdoor temperature - 28 C

Foundations - reinforced concrete bored piles, reinforced concrete monolithic grillage.
Walls - foam concrete blocks.
Columns - Steel.
Trusses, beams, girders - steel.
Roofing - roofing - Nulin, construction - wooden rafters.
Internal finishing - finishing obshivlchnoy board.

Statement of the main set drawings of the "AS".

1 - Plan of the pile field
2 - Plan grillage
3 - Pile. Specification.
4 - Cross section of grillage. Specification.
5 - Marking Plan.
6 - The door and windows. Jumpers. Statement of decoration.
7 - Masonry plan.
8 - Cut.
9 - Plan racks and beams.
10 - Plan of arrangement of farms.
11 - Plan of arrangement of runs.
12 - Stands. Specification.
13 - Farm.
14 - Hosts farm.
15 - Plates farm.
16 - Specification of items the farm.
17 - Plan of the roof.
18 - The plan of the arena rafters.
19 - Plan of the rafters of the transition.
  20 - Section

To purchase this standard project and bind to the conditions of your site, please call our company.

tel.: (495) 694-61-25

fax: (495) 694-67-80

Examples of a workshop jobs in the given section:

Architectural laboratory offers the full range of services: from the initial permits, the development of all project stages to approval of projects and supervision.

107031, Moscow, Petrovka str., 27, tel: (495) 694-61-25, fax: (495) 694-67-80,mail: info@alpn.ru


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