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geological engineering survey

The structure of engineering and geological surveys include: • the collection, study and synthesis of archival research Mosgorgeotrest, Mosoblgeotresta and other organizations in the studied area;

• study the geological structure of the site; 

• identifying the hydrogeological regime, the chemical composition of groundwater and seepage characteristics of soils; 

• research trends and factors in the development of hazardous geological and engineering-geological processes in space and time; 

• Field studies of physical and mechanical properties of soils;

• laboratory studies of physical and mechanical properties of soils; 

• geophysical surveys;

• a survey of soils under the existing buildings and structures; 

  • office work materials and preparation of technical report (conclusions) based on research.

Architectural laboratory offers the full range of services: from the initial permits, the development of all project stages to approval of projects and supervision.

107031, Moscow, Petrovka str., 27, tel: (495) 694-61-25, fax: (495) 694-67-80,mail: info@alpn.ru


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