“ALPN” Ltd. has received a diploma for reconstruction of administrative building project on III Minsk International Biennale of young architects ‘Leonardo Award 2009’
“ALPN” Ltd. has received a diploma for reconstruction of administrative building project (79a, Altufievskoe highway, Moscow) on III Minsk International Biennale of young architects ‘Leonardo Award 2009’ in nomination “Public-service and industrial facilities”.
PV Nozdracheva
"Fireworks architectural ideas of Leonardo»
The first fleeting acquaintance with the "Leonardo" was held in 2005 in the Architectural Biennale in Macedonia "BIMAS", where my company «ALPN» present their projects. The only thought then arose: information about the new architectural competition. New - as none of my colleagues was not familiar with this contest and to confirm this - works that were presented included a pilot event, which took place in Minsk in 2005.
Time passed, and in 2009 we received an invitation from the Union of Architects of Russia present our new work on the "Leonardo-2009. And what a surprise it was when I saw a really huge event called "Leonardo"! The third in a row, and status - a very serious event for professionals! More than 20 countries around the world, about 400 works, fireworks architectural ideas, and the overwhelming pride that our projects are one of them! (Note: Architectural Laboratory Pauline Nozdrachevoy "presented four projects to the jury and the audience)
It is known that a good organization and professionalism during the exhibition or competition contribute to the dynamic development of such events. And later, reveals the creative potential, not only the action itself, but its participants.
In the contest "Leonardo" is undoubtedly a great future. Great idea of the event itself perfectly complemented by a highly professional organization, a thorough study of technical issues that arise from participants (feed, how to send, how to select, sign, etc.).
The exhibited materials are divided into two main areas: project proposals and implemented objects. A distinctive feature of the contest can be called what it does not limit the architects to demonstrate their ideas, as represented by several nominations - among competitive projects you can see the architectural urban complexes, individual houses and buildings, interiors and street design, and more. All this is enclosed in a logical concept based on the professional work of architects. Such a system of competition expands the range of possible participants.
The organization of the exhibition space focuses on free meditation submitted. Visitor, "traveling" for the exhibition, selects any view direction: with any interest section, and in any order, placing the taste components, with which projects are all over the world. The strengths of Biennale, of course, is the variety and novelty of the stylistic decisions that the "Leonardo-2009" put it in full, even in the same direction. For many, the most vivid feature of the exhibition - a high quality of work and material flow. The exhibits are characterized by rethinking traditional techniques and solutions, once again bringing to the contest visual perception.
It should be noted that originally, faces the Biennial of young architects who are without a definite factor ambitions sometimes very difficult to produce in court design and implementation work, putting them on par with the already accomplished professionals. But here, young architects are able to compete in equal terms.
Such an event where we were able to participate under the current situation is just proof that young professionals are willing and able to evolve, that competition is not standing still, and will be popular. Whoever you may be - formed from a professional point of view, personality, or just beginning an architect - in any case requires continuous practice in the profession, and determine their own forces. And with the increase of interest in the Biennale is growing and its significance: the presence of a larger number of submitted works of high artistic and architectural and engineering specifications.
We, the Architectural Laboratory Pauline Nozdrachevoy, were able to present their work and to acknowledge the jury ("Reconstruction of the object of administrative appointments at the address: Moscow, NEAD, Altufievskoe highway" was awarded the Diploma of the Union of Architects of Kazakhstan).
Leonardo-2009 was recognized by participants - representatives of the architectural workshop of the world - a good example and identify clear priorities on the basis of carefully formulated programs. Participation in the competition of architects from different countries and determine its features - though we can not speak about the exact detail, but the exhibited projects are to some extent reflected the trends in the prevalence of architectural thought in a country - party.
It is impossible not to note the press conference and discussion, which discussed the many professional challenges: to rethink the tradition of architectural schools to the problems faced by architects in their professional activities (self-regulatory organizations, professional certification, insurance, architectural work, etc.). Lecture block in the Biennale was undoubtedly the pearl of the event, because the students have learned so many new and necessary for the formation.
It is possible that after some time more clearly will form the criteria for participation (in addition to age restrictions, will be considered and professional aspects - the degree of participation in the project, while working in the profession, etc.). Perhaps there will still be some change ... but this is not the most important thing. The main thing is that you have chosen the correct direction in the development of architectural professionalism at the global level.
It is remarkable that there were and continue to develop this level competitions: Competitions, which are so essential for the recognition and promotion of creative ideas of young architects. On behalf of our company "architectural laboratory Pauline Nozdrachevoy" would like to thank the organizers of the competition and all the participants, everyone who creates another pole of the architectural and economic development.
Do not broaden your mind, it is impossible to improve and create something really new and "Leonardo" - is an endless source of knowledge for both beginners and for already established architects.