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ALPN.ru / News / Architecture news / Dalian Shell Museum / The Design Institute of Civil Engineering & Architecture of DUT Search      Sait map      Страница на русском


polina nozdracheva







Dalian Shell Museum / The Design Institute of Civil Engineering & Architecture of DUT

Architects: The Design Institute of Civil Engineering & Architecture of DUT<br>
Location: Dalian, China<br>
Project Area: 18,000 sqm<br>
Project Year: 2009<br>
Photographs: Courtesy of Dalian Shell Museum<br>

Architects: The Design Institute of Civil Engineering & Architecture of DUT
Location: Dalian, China
Project Area: 18,000 sqm
Project Year: 2009
Photographs: Courtesy of Dalian Shell Museum

One of Dalian’s key high-end construction projects is the new Shell Museum. With more than 5,000 kinds of precious shells from all over the world on display inside, the building’s exterior has created quite a stir.

One of Dalian’s key high-end construction projects is the new Shell Museum. With more than 5,000 kinds of precious shells from all over the world on display inside, the building’s exterior has created quite a stir.

The main exhibition building features an overlapping roof made of QuadroClad™ which evokes an oversized seashell. The material projects the natural flowing curves the architect envisioned and also demonstrates the customizable nature of Hunter Douglas’ curved products.

The main exhibition building features an overlapping roof made of QuadroClad™ which evokes an oversized seashell. The material projects the natural flowing curves the architect envisioned and also demonstrates the customizable nature of Hunter Douglas’ curved products.

The concept plays with the building’s advantageous geographical site to establish the main exhibition space stretching out in an uphill direction. This arrangement allows views of the beautiful landscape from the wide picture windows inside the museum’s lounge.

The concept plays with the building’s advantageous geographical site to establish the main exhibition space stretching out in an uphill direction. This arrangement allows views of the beautiful landscape from the wide picture windows inside the museum’s lounge.

From archdaily.com

Architectural laboratory offers the full range of services: from the initial permits, the development of all project stages to approval of projects and supervision.

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