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Floating Gardens / Studio Noach + Holtrop

Architects: Studio Noach + Holtrop<br>
Location: <b>“Architecture of Consequence” in the Netherlands</b>

Architects: Studio Noach + Holtrop
Location: “Architecture of Consequence” in the Netherlands

In five days, a new type of spa exhibition will be on display during the “Architecture of Consequence” in the Netherlands.   Studio Noach, along with  Anne Holtrop, developed a floating spa that seems to be a “construction of a landscape”, an extension of the land into the water to create a serene environment.   Using recycled polystyrene and Patrick Blanc’s “living wall” ideas, the architecture of the spa makes the walls and ceilings the outer for hills and valleys while the interior follows the counter form of the landscape.

In five days, a new type of spa exhibition will be on display during the “Architecture of Consequence” in the Netherlands. Studio Noach, along with Anne Holtrop, developed a floating spa that seems to be a “construction of a landscape”, an extension of the land into the water to create a serene environment. Using recycled polystyrene and Patrick Blanc’s “living wall” ideas, the architecture of the spa makes the walls and ceilings the outer for hills and valleys while the interior follows the counter form of the landscape.

The composite GreenRexwall ™, developed in collaboration with the German constructor Aquahouse GmbH, is  a strong and constructive material such that cement, steel and bricks are no longer needed.  The vegetated walls and roof become a breeding ground for birds, butterflies and insects plus the innovative technical installations provide big energy savings. The surrounding water acts as a heat exchanger and cooling source, making the spa up to 70% more efficient than using conventional energy systems.

The composite GreenRexwall ™, developed in collaboration with the German constructor Aquahouse GmbH, is a strong and constructive material such that cement, steel and bricks are no longer needed. The vegetated walls and roof become a breeding ground for birds, butterflies and insects plus the innovative technical installations provide big energy savings. The surrounding water acts as a heat exchanger and cooling source, making the spa up to 70% more efficient than using conventional energy systems.
prototype of spa

prototype of spa

From archdaily.com

Architectural laboratory offers the full range of services: from the initial permits, the development of all project stages to approval of projects and supervision.

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