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polina nozdracheva







Moliner House / Alberto Campo Baeza

Architect: Alberto Campo Baeza<br>
Location: Avda. Ilustración, Urbanización Montecanal, Zaragoza, Spain<br>
Collaborators: Ignacio Aguirre López, Emilio Delgado Martos<br>
Structure: María Concepción Pérez Gutiérrez<br>
Rigger: José Miguel Moya<br>
Contractor: Construcciones Moya Valero – Rafael Moya, Ramón Moya<br>
Structure: Coral Tarabidau d´Aragon – Ricardo Aranda<br>
Project Area: 216 sqm<br>
Project Year: 2006<br>
Construction Year: 2008<br>
Photographs: Javier Callejas<br>

Architect: Alberto Campo Baeza
Location: Avda. Ilustración, Urbanización Montecanal, Zaragoza, Spain
Collaborators: Ignacio Aguirre López, Emilio Delgado Martos
Structure: María Concepción Pérez Gutiérrez
Rigger: José Miguel Moya
Contractor: Construcciones Moya Valero – Rafael Moya, Ramón Moya
Structure: Coral Tarabidau d´Aragon – Ricardo Aranda
Project Area: 216 sqm
Project Year: 2006
Construction Year: 2008
Photographs: Javier Callejas

To build a house for a poet. To make a house for dreaming, living and dying. A house in which to read, to write and to think.

To build a house for a poet. To make a house for dreaming, living and dying. A house in which to read, to write and to think.

We raised high walls to create a box open to the sky, like a nude, metaphysical garden, with concrete walls and floor. To create an interior world. We dug into the ground to plant leafy trees.

We raised high walls to create a box open to the sky, like a nude, metaphysical garden, with concrete walls and floor. To create an interior world. We dug into the ground to plant leafy trees.

And floating in the center, a box filled with the translucent light of the north. Three levels were established. The highest for dreaming. The garden level for living. The deepest level for sleeping.

And floating in the center, a box filled with the translucent light of the north. Three levels were established. The highest for dreaming. The garden level for living. The deepest level for sleeping.

For dreaming, we created a cloud at the highest point. A library constructed with high walls of light diffused through large translucent glass. With northern light for reading and writing, thinking and feeling.

For dreaming, we created a cloud at the highest point. A library constructed with high walls of light diffused through large translucent glass. With northern light for reading and writing, thinking and feeling.

For living, the garden with southern light, sunlight. A space that is all garden, with transparent walls that bring together inside and outside.

For living, the garden with southern light, sunlight. A space that is all garden, with transparent walls that bring together inside and outside.

From archdaily.com

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