A rchitectural
L aboratory P olina
N ozdracheva
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"Capital cities. The development of Moscow riverside space (International laboratory of Urban planning)", digest "Architectural science and education. Thesises of reports from sciencific conference of 2006", Arhitektura-C, Moscow, Russia, 2007.
«Water scenography», magazine «Architecture Building Design» ("ACD"), № 1 (53), Moscow, Russia, 2006
"Multifunctional development of riverside space", digest "Architectural science and education. Thesises of reports from sciencific conference of 2005", Arhitektura-C, Moscow, Russia, 2005.
"Aquatories and their part in forming of urban system", "Questions of city planning and building", Penza, Russia, 2004
"Trends of development of waterfront in city`s structure", collection "Architectural science and education in MARHI. Works of Moscow architectural conference", December, 2003, Moscow, Russia
«The cоnstruction of Moscow on the water», “Portus” magazine (Italy)
«La ligne littorale - une zone dе contact de la ville avec un plan d’eau», materials of VIII International Conference of Architectural schools of France and Eastern Europe, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2003
Architectural laboratory offers the full range of services: from the initial permits, the development of all project stages to approval of projects and supervision.
107031, Moscow, Petrovka str., 27, tel: (495) 694-61-25, fax: (495) 694-67-80,mail:
ooo "Architectural Laboratory of Polina Nozdracheva"/ "alpn",2005-2024
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