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ALPN.ru / Portfolio / Urban planning / Layout drawings, the act of setting red lines for the project planning area base Avanpost Search      Sait map      Страница на русском


polina nozdracheva







Layout drawings, the act of setting red lines for the project planning area base Avanpost



LLC "Vector Investments"




Moscow Region, Istra district, village Leonovo




Nozdracheva P.V.


architect: Pismarova E.V.

Design by red lines in the "Project planning area of sports and leisure center" Small Ushakovo "at the MoD, Istra district, etc. Leonovo." The red lines are shown in the drawing area plan that is part of the main (approved) part of project planning. In accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, "the red lines - lines that refer to existing, planned (modified, re-formed) the boundaries of common areas, the boundaries of the land on which there are power lines, communication lines (including those of outside plant ), pipelines, roads, railway lines and other similar structures. " "Public Areas - areas that are free to enjoy an unlimited number of persons (including squares, streets, driveways, embankments, squares and boulevards)." The red lines are installed on the road of regional significance "Volokolamsk Highway - Buzharovo - Saveliev - Rumyantsevo" and planned streets within the boundaries of local project planning. Proposals to establish red lines, as well as design, layout drawings of the act meets the requirements of the legislative, legal and regulatory documents, including: Urban Development Code of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2004 № 190-FZ; The Land Code of the Russian Federation of 25.10.2001 № 136-FZ; Resolution of the Government of the Moscow region from 19.06.2006 N 536/23 "On approval of the composition and content of the draft plan area, the preparation is carried out on the basis of territorial planning documents of the Moscow region and on the basis of territorial planning documents of municipalities of the Moscow region"; "Standards of allotment of land to accommodate the road and (or) road service facilities", approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of 02.09.2009 № 717; TSN PZP 99 MO (TSN 30-303-2000 MO), "Planning and construction of urban and rural settlements"; SP 42.13330.2011; SNiP 2.05.02-85 * "Highways"; RDS 30-201-98 "Instructions on how to design and establish red lines in the towns and other settlements of the Russian Federation", adopted by Resolution of Construction Committee of Russia on April 6, 1998 № 18-30. The width of the red lines of the road "Volokolamsk Highway - Buzharovo - Saveliev - Rumyantsevo" adopted by 57.00 meters, taking into account the norms of allotment of land to accommodate the road. The width of the red lines of the proposed local street located to the west of the area of ​​sports and leisure center, is taken to be 22.00 meters on the proposed local street located north of the territory in question, - 26.00 pm Established by the red lines are required to comply with all stakeholders in the construction of urban development of new and reconstruction of existing facilities, as well as the formation of land boundaries. Approval of the red line does not entail the termination of the rights of businesses and individuals on the existing land and other real estate, and is the basis for subsequent decision (if necessary), making the seizure, including by foreclosure, land for implementation of state and municipal needs for the development of transport and engineering infrastructure. Line Indent set to determine where the allowable placement of buildings, structures and facilities. The formation of the indentation of lines was carried out in view of the proposed building adjacent to the established red lines. Line indentation set at a distance of 5 meters from the red lines. Line indent in the future may be adjusted at the stage of architectural design. The points are tied to the boundaries of the calculation of geodetic coordinates in a coordinate system in 1963 for the subsequent development of red lines on adjacent sections of streets and roads.

Architectural laboratory offers the full range of services: from the initial permits, the development of all project stages to approval of projects and supervision.

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