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ALPN.ru / Portfolio / Urban planning / The project of the organization of the road network and traffic planning for the project area of the object in Moscow region, Borovskoe Highway Search      Sait map      Страница на русском


polina nozdracheva







The project of the organization of the road network and traffic planning for the project area of the object in Moscow region, Borovskoe Highway



"Navigator-Msk" ltd.




Moscow region, Leninsky Municipal District, near the village Rasskazovka




Head architect: Nozdracheva P.V.


Head architect (economist): Struchkova T.P. Architect: Ponomarenko E.V. Head engineer: Zhdanova M.V. Engineers: Miakinskaya Z.A., Kononova V.N., Khimakova I.A., Zunbo, G.A.

Transportation service

Current situation

The territory of the planned motorway service is located in Leninsky Municipal District of Moscow Region near the village Rasskazovka. Transport connection of the territory of the villages and cities of Leninsky district is on the road "Borovskoe Highway" (new site).

The road "Borovskoe Highway" is a highway I technical category. The width of the roadway, "Borowski highway" is 28.00 meters (three lanes in each direction). In this area the width of the carriageway of the road in the direction of Moscow is 14.00 meters (three lanes and hard shoulder). In the present section of road provides artificial lighting. Currently, noise-reducing road cordoned off the screen (h = 4m).

Project offers

Project proposals for the transportation service area road service is designed to streamline and ensure the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians, for the purpose of transport services and to determine placement of parking.

                                        Highways and streets

External transport connections of the territory will be carried out on the road "Borovskoe highway."

The project provides for the organization of entry and exit to the A / D "Borovskoe highway" with no left turn. Departure from the territory planned for the "Borovskoe highway" in the direction of Moscow. To exit from the territory in the direction of the airport "Vnukovo" is proposed to use a turn at the roundabout at different levels, located 200 meters east of the territory.

Design and spatial planning documents of the Moscow region is not provided reconstruction of the road "Borovskoe highway." On the territory provided for separate entry and exit to the organization of a single carriageway on the main passage for turning vehicles. At the junction of the Congress to a / d "Borovskoe Highway" provides transitional acceleration lanes in accordance with SNiP 2.05.02-85 "Highways" (p.5.23). The width of the bands transitional speed is 3.75 m, length strips full width acceleration and deceleration - 50 m (in accordance with Note Section 5.23), length of the distillation of acceleration and deceleration lanes - 80 The construction speed change lanes provided for the conservation of existing anti-noise screens (except for the places of contiguity of entry and exit from the territory) and the conversion of barrier fences, light poles and stormwater in the area of ​​construction. The radii of the curves of the road junction with the main travel taken in accordance with SNiP 2.05.02-85 "Highways" (25 m). Planned and existing cross-sections of the road and travel are on the list "scheme of the road network and traffic" (sections 1-1).

On roads and streets will cause the appropriate road markings and install appropriate traffic signs in compliance with GOST R 52289-2004 "Technical means of traffic. Rules of road signs, markings, traffic signals, road barriers and guiding devices, "GOST R 51256-99" road markings. General specifications "and GOST R 52290-2004" Road signs. General specifications ".

                                     The network of internal driveways  

Entry and exit of vehicles from the study area on the highway "Borovskoe Highway" is performed by main passage width of 7.00 m with one-way traffic. Also included in the two directions of width 6.00 m in the car wash (one-way traffic) and hotels (two-way traffic). South-east of the hotel provides a technical passage width of 2.75 m.

Passages  are taken with the device of asphalt concrete pavement, storm sewer and installation of curbs. At night, all projected internal network is proposed to cover  with luminaries mounted on special masts. Traffic on the closures of entry and exit to the road is regulated by traffic signs and road markings. Buildings and equipment for temporary storage of vehicles The maximum lump sum estimated number of visitors to the territory of roadside service is 310 people, workers - 42 persons.

The maximum number of hotel guests - 70 people, bar and restaurant - 40 and 200, respectively, of employees - 42 people (three of them - the car wash employees). Thus, in accordance with the joint venture 42.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.07.01-89 *" Urban Planning. Planning and construction of urban and rural settlements, "the minimum current fleet will be 31 per unit (based on 10-15 parking spaces for 100 visitors). The main parking lot for 33 parking places provided in the central and southwestern parts of the road service. Prior to the main entrance to the hotel provides parking for seven parking spaces in them - one for the road transport persons with disabilities. The total number of parking spaces provided for the project is 40.

                                          Public transport

Public transport is by road, "Borovskoe highway." The main public transport routes link the area under consideration with Moscow (Metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya").

                                          Foot traffic  

On the motorway service area   the movement of pedestrians  is planned to organize on the footpaths in the area of ​​automotive washing and hotels are also allowed to pedestrian traffic on the roadway passes.

Architectural laboratory offers the full range of services: from the initial permits, the development of all project stages to approval of projects and supervision.

107031, Moscow, Petrovka str., 27, tel: (495) 694-61-25, fax: (495) 694-67-80,mail: info@alpn.ru


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