Stage AUPD - Architectural and urban planning decision
Stage AUPD runs and is paid on the basis of "Quest for the design," drawn up and agreed by the Customer and the chief architect of the project (GAPom) as a separate phase or pre-design studies on the subject.
Also, the architectural and urban planning decision (RGM) of the object can be designed as a supplementary to the main structure of the design work on the formation of the Act authorized the use of urban land area of the object (land) for construction or reconstruction.
AUPD includes the part of the project documentation:
1.Text materials:
official documentation (title page, job design, a copy of the license of project organization and the customer of the authors, the main architect of the project certificate of compliance with regulatory requirements of the design decisions);
explanatory Note to the characteristic architectural and urban solutions and basic technical and economic parameters (TEPami);
for industrial facilities - a brief description of the technological solutions.
2. Graphic materials:
contingency plan;
master plan for the site on the topographic plan to underground utilities;
Sweep the adjacent buildings with facades;
elevations (minimum - two);
floor plans (for residential purpose facility - plans the main floor (the first model, the roof);
sections (longitudinal, transverse);
color design of facades;
proposal for the architectural lighting of the night for the objects in the central thoroughfares and squares (in accordance with Assignment for design); three-dimensional solution (3D rendering) - at least - two species.
3. Initial permitting documentation (copies).
Design documentation for the full stage is developed on an AUPD (pre-approved by the Customer) option.
If necessary, additional work are included in the task for the development of AUPD and additionally paid by the Customer. In addition to the main volume of the design documentation can be performed in accordance with Assignment for the design of the following:
develop options for AUPD (In the development of a second sub-option is used a correction factor to determine the value of project documentation - R = 0.8, the following options - R = 0.5. number of emerging options provided in the Assignment on the development of AUPD, or determined by the fact performance based on additional assignments with the customer paying for the additional agreement);
preparation of demonstration materials, are provided in addition to the established staff;
development of historical and architectural support program;
conduct mandatory and additional approvals.
Work on the collection and processing of raw data can be performed by LLC "Architectural Laboratory of Polina Nozdracheva" on behalf of the Customer and paid for separately.
Architectural laboratory offers the full range of services: from the initial permits, the development of all project stages to approval of projects and supervision.