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polina nozdracheva







Draft blocked dwellings (townhouses)

Blocked at home, or as they recently called - Tanhouse, predsavlyayut a low-rise residential buildings, consisting in a row of residential units, each of which has a separate entrance and its own small garden plot. In this project are two-storey house locked with located in the center stairwell. They have access to the roof, operated with a pergola for protection from the sun. This type of housing offers all the benefits of individual house and yet has a higher economic performance. The plot, as in the private house, is part of the home, its green open living space. At the station, the size of 6m to 10m can be placed a flower bed, garden, vegetable garden. Unlike other types of multifamily housing in the apartments of the blocked types of houses provided ancillary business facilities.The houses blocked type unrestricted orientation on either side of the world. This ensures good conditions for the insolation, light, and pass-through or corner ventilation. In addition, the lack of restrictions in the orientation of apartments can freely dispose of the house on the ground, creating a variety of planning decisions.Apartments in buildings blocked type have two entrances. It is necessary for communication with the site, part of which is in front of the house from the street, and some - for the house. Ease of construction schemes locked homes, multiple frequency and the limited number of structural elements in them contribute to maximizing the standardization of structural elements.The basic structural unit of the house and the Shape-blocked type - unit, which is a complete space-planning element, as in the construction and engineering terms. Dwelling houses, compounds similar or different types of apartments and storey block. The main type of unit - Private, side walls of which are always adjacent to the neighboring blocks. The entrances to them are usually made from two sides. Along the edges of buildings are butt ends blocks. One of the transverse walls of the block inside, lockable, and the other - outside.Apartment blocks are locked houses (townhouses) should be autonomous and meet the following requirements:
- Do not have the facilities, located on premises other residential units;
- Do not have common inputs, support spaces, attics, underground mine communications;
- Have separate heating and ventilation systems, as well as individual entries and connections to external networks, centralized engineering systems.Blocked at home do not meet these requirements, design and build in accordance with the rules and regulations for designing multi-family buildings.

Examples of a workshop jobs in the given section:

Conceptual design of townhouses in Krasnoarmeysk

Conceptual design of townhouses in Krasnoarmeysk

A preliminary plan of block type houses (townhouses) in Krasnoarmeysk

A preliminary plan of block type houses (townhouses) in Krasnoarmeysk

Architectural laboratory offers the full range of services: from the initial permits, the development of all project stages to approval of projects and supervision.

107031, Moscow, Petrovka str., 27, tel: (495) 694-61-25, fax: (495) 694-67-80,mail: info@alpn.ru


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