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Design of the administrative and office buildings

Offices are divided into classes - «A», «B», «C», «D», «E».Offices Class «A», «B» and some of the offices of a class «C» are considered offices of the Western Standard, and class offices «C», «D» and "E" - offices of domestic standards.Offices of Class "A" - the prestigious premises located in business centers and new office complexes. These buildings are of high quality finishing and equipped with the latest technology. Many of them meet the requirements of the "intelligent home", ie equipped with automated life-support systems. Buildings of this class have a modern free planning, expensive decoration, false ceilings, false floors, etc. These buildings have the highest level of service, equipped with underground parking, fiber-optic communications. They have spacious conference halls, parking, own service management, maintenance and safety. All this is contained in perfect condition. In turn, class "A" is divided into subclasses: A1, A2 and A3. The difference - in a building equipped with additional amenities, so unlike the subclass "A1", subclass "A2" may not have a restaurant.Offices of Class "B" may be in new or newly renovated and refurbished buildings and old mansions in Moscow, with the necessary utilities. The same class includes offices and class "A" after 5-7 years of operation. These offices are not as prestigious and are not as well equipped as a Class A offices. They may not have central air conditioning system or, for example, parking can be located outdoors. Although the class "B" does not pretend to the title business centers, it is consistent with the standards of the Western offices.Offices of class "C" - a room rented from research institutes or industrial enterprises. These facilities are not designed for office work, and in this room is usually not a modern ventilation system, good communication and central air conditioning. Class "C" offers a limited range of services: telephone, Internet access is possible, heating in cold seasons. Offices in this class are optimal for small firms.Offices Class «D» are located in buildings with outdated utilities, wooden floors, lack of specialized services on life support. As a rule, such facilities are in need of repair.Offices of Class "E" - space in buildings not fit for offices. For example, converted the basement and basement, referred to non-fund apartment. However, if an office is conveniently located, has a separate entrance and parking for several cars, high-quality refurbished and equipped with expensive furniture and office equipment, it may well compete with the office of a higher class.

Examples of a workshop jobs in the given section:

Office building`s facades reconstruction

Office building`s facades reconstruction

Facade of the building for administrative purposes in the Baikal Street

Facade of the building for administrative purposes in the Baikal Street

Administrative building`s project

Administrative building`s project

Facades reconstruction with heightening

Facades reconstruction with heightening

The office building

The office building

Project of built-in and intergrated housing`s area

Project of built-in and intergrated housing`s area

Architectural laboratory offers the full range of services: from the initial permits, the development of all project stages to approval of projects and supervision.

107031, Moscow, Petrovka str., 27, tel: (495) 694-61-25, fax: (495) 694-67-80,mail: info@alpn.ru


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