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polina nozdracheva







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The project is converting the premises and reconstructive work on the device input

Maslenitsa effigy - construction

Options for a hotel room layouts

Fragments and landscaping of the first construction KFH "Pegas"

The project of improvements and reconstructive work on the device inputs

Project entrance area, the stages "P" and "R"

Development of design documentation of the input, the address: Nagatinskaya St., 16, building 9

Development of project documentation at: Moscow, Presnenskaya front, 2, Architectural-construction solutions

Development of design documentation of the object at: Moscow, Presnenskaya front, 2, Vik

Development of design documentation of the object at: Moscow, Presnenskaya front, 2, OVik

Development of design documentation to the address: Moscow, Presnenskaya nab.,2. Electricity.

Reconstruction of non-residential premises. Entrance to the basement



Presentation materials

Tablet Design of the Building for 200 mares

Tablets ALPN ltd. to participate in the exhibition Green Project in 2010

Reconstruction of the tablet for administrative purposes Leonardo Biennale 2009 in Minsk

The tablet project planning of residential block for the Biennale Leonardo 2009 in Minsk

Tablet Project planning area with the placement of high-rise apartment buildings for Leonardo Biennale 2009 in Minsk

Tablet Project planning area in town village Povarovo for public hearings

Tablets for the exhibition "Green Project 2011"

Tablet for public hearings on the draft sketch of area development facility at Voronezh region., Semiluki


Alpn news

In the main office was officially completed repairs

Lecture by the head architect in the Black Sea city of Batumi, Georgia

Visiting the company Tikkurila

Quality architecture

Polina Nozdracheva's seminar at the "Hipposphere" 2007

Publications in the "Gippomanii" magazine

"ALPN" was presented at the stand "Evroeksport" at the International Horse Show Equiros 2007

ALPN designs shopping center in southern Moscow

Polina Nozdracheva participates in XV International Congress of Women Architects in Bucharest

Polina Nozdracheva`s article "Zone industrial purpose "was published in the journal "ASD"(1, 2007)

On October 19 Polina Nozdracheva attended a meeting "The European Union and Russia. Specifics of architectural practice"

ALPN develops pre-project proposal to deploy multi-purpose complex for the center of Moscow

ALPN with TsMPIEGRASTom developing a project plan of a residential area in Krasnoarmeisk

ALPN with TsMPIEGRASTom prepares to release a draft regional planning Krasnoarmeisk

The stage of "Project" section "Master Plan" residential complex (Krasnoarmejsk)

ALPN designing a new residential complex in Krasnoarmeisk

ALPN develops architectural and urban decision of the administrative building

ALPN drafting Plans territory MCR Centralny (Povarovo, Solnechnogorsky r-n)

ALPN drafting Plans territory MCR № 1 (Povarovo, Solnechnogorsky rn)

The magazine Architecture. Building. Design 1 (65) 08 published an article on the topic: "Stage Project, Section Master Plan"

The magazine "Design and engineering research" 01 (01) 2008 published an article

On the 4.04.2008 a public hearing was held to review the municipal program of Solnechnogorsky municipal district of Moscow region

Catalogue "Leading design companies and studios of Russia 2008"

The magazine "ASD 02 (66) 08" published an article entitled "Architectural town-planning decision of the object of trade and warehousing purposes"

"Leading design companies and studios of Russia"


Architectural laboratory offers the full range of services: from the initial permits, the development of all project stages to approval of projects and supervision.

107031, Moscow, Petrovka str., 27, tel: (495) 694-61-25, fax: (495) 694-67-80,mail: info@alpn.ru


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