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Эскиз застройки территории в пос. Тимоново, Солнечногоский район
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Ёскиз застройки территории в пос. “имоново, —олнечногоский район
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polina nozdracheva







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Armchair-cactus Sunnest Reconstruction of non-residential premises. Entrance to the basement
Development of design documentation of the input, the address: Nagatinskaya St., 16, building 9 Development of project documentation at: Moscow, Presnenskaya front, 2, Architectural-construction solutions Development of design documentation of the object at: Moscow, Presnenskaya front, 2, Vik Development of design documentation of the object at: Moscow, Presnenskaya front, 2, OVik
Development of design documentation to the address: Moscow, Presnenskaya nab.,2. Electricity. Project entrance area, the stages "P" and "R" The project of improvements and reconstructive work on the device inputs Fragments and landscaping of the first construction KFH "Pegas"
Options for a hotel room layouts Maslenitsa effigy - construction Reconstruction and redevelopment areas project, located on the 1st floor of 25 storey residential building The project is converting the premises and reconstructive work on the device input

107031, Moscow, Petrovka str., 27, tel: (495) 694-61-25, fax: (495) 694-67-80,mail: info@alpn.ru


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