Preparation of documentation for the project planning area is implemented to ensure the sustainable development of territories, allocation planning structure elements (blocks, neighborhoods, and other elements), the establishment of land boundaries, where the objects of capital construction are located, land boundaries, intended for the construction and placement of linear objects.
Development of design documentation for the project planning area is implemented to highlight the elements of the planning structure, setting the parameters of the planned development of the elements of the planning structure.
The project planning area is the basis for the development of all subsequent stages of the project:
project surveying the territory;
Development of urban plans of land;
The draft master plan development area;
Beautification project area;
The project is bound;
Project (approved part);
Working documents.
The original documentation:
resolutionmunicipal administrationto approvethe choice ofan actof land for construction;
the act ofselectingland forplacementof the construction;
the leaseof land;
cadastral plan;
proof of ownership;
contract of sale;
matchingservices concerneddistrictof choiceland;
town-planningstudy ofobject location;
extract from the reportof the InterdepartmentalCommission forthe placementof the object (if required);
Letterof the InstituteGUP MO "Urbanism" -placementof the object;
LetterGlavarhitekturyMOplacementof the object.
Permitted documentation:
decision of municipality to design;
Architectural planning assignment issued by the chief architect of the municipality and approved by the chief architect of the Moscow region, or assignment for the development of the project planning area, agreed the main architect of the Moscow region;
Finally, urban location of the object (Form 4 or 8);
materials for public hearings:
ruling head of municipal formation on the appointment of public hearings;
a copy of the newspaper;
record of public hearings;
conclusion (outcome) - the result of public hearings;
specifications (if necessary);
NIiPI mark the transfer of project materials to the archive;
negotiation and conclusion of Project Planning Services area of the state supervision and control in the prescribed manner (STSI, MOBVU, etc., as well as organizations described in APL).
LLC "Architectural Laboratory of Polina Nozdracheva" provides assistance in obtaining the initial and approvals for the development of the project planning area.
The project plan for approval nearby, along with supporting documents in the form of volumes of A4 in accordance with the list:
Volume number 1 - "Summary (approved part)";
Volume number 2 - "baseline-approvals" (copies of documents);
Volume number 3 - "justifying a part";
Volume number 4 - "Assessing the impact on the environment";
Volume number 5 - "Environmental Protection";
Volume number 6 - "Engineering civil defense. Measures for the prevention of emergencies ";
Volume number 7 - "The calculation of insolation and the natural light";
Volume number 8 - "The organization of the road network and traffic. Transport service territory. "
Note: Volume number 4 - № 8 are developed in accordance with Assignment agreed to develop the project planning area.
Time and cost of services determined by the results of the analysis provided by the customer documentation.
Architectural laboratory offers the full range of services: from the initial permits, the development of all project stages to approval of projects and supervision.